Abdulqader Hussein Hamad

Assistant Professor

College of Nursing

Department of Nursing

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Abdulqader Hussein Hamad has PhD degree in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing in Hawler Medical University, College of Nursing. He is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq. He teaches different couses including Psychiatric mental health nursing, psychology, sociology, professional ethics, teaching methods and counsilling. He has more than eight publications, his current research work more related to psychosocial and sexual aspects of female genital circumcision in a sample of kurdish women in Hawler Governnorate. recently he participated a course of training about Professional therapeutic counselling in Tehran University, College of Nursing.


He has more than eight publications in local and international scientific journals. his current research work is mainly related to psychosocial and sexual aspects of female genital circumcision in a sample of kurdish women in Hawler Governorate.

Google Scholar


1. Assessment of workplace violence against nurses in Erbil City Hospitals. 2016-2017 by Nyaz tahseen Rasool , Master in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursin.

2. (Stressors, Anxiety Prevalence, Coping strategies among First Year Students at Hawler Medical University. (Preliminary study).

2017-2018 by Sawza Hameed PhD student

3. Mental disorders among females survived domestic violence in Erbil province. 2017-2018 by Diana Kako Master student


v  Knowledge and Attitude of Teachers about Communicable Diseases in some of Primary Schools in Erbil. Kufa journal for nursing science , 2012

v  Psychology and personality types of infertile and fertile women.

v  Assessment Of Patient's Family Knowledge About Electro Convulsive Therapy Treatment In Sulemani General Hospital

v  Prevalence Of Anxiety And Depression Among Patients Attending Outpatient Clinics In Hawler Teaching Hospital

v  Psychology & Personality Types of Infertile & Fertile Women

v  Effect of psychological intervention on marital satisfaction rate of infertile couples in Erbil city / Kurdistan Region / Iraq

v  Prevalence of social phobia among high school students in Hawler / Kurdistan Region.


v B.Sc. [Bachelor of Science Degree]:  1980 – 1981, College of Nursing / Baghdad University. {Four Years of Fulltime Attendance Baghdad / IRAQ

v M.Sc. [Master of Science Degree]: 2004—2005 Psychiatry & Mental Health Nursing / Salahaddin University {two Years of Fulltime Attendance. Erbil / Kurdistan Region / IRAQ

PhD.  [Doctorate of Philosophy]: 2009—2010 Psychiatry & Mental Health Nursing / Sulemani University {Three Years of Fulltime Attendance. Sulemani / Kurdistan Region / IRAQ


CBT Cognitive behavior therapy

Using choice theory for behaving therapy

Therapeutic counseling for change behavior

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