Head Of Branch

Dr.Sozan M. Qarani

Department of Basic Sciences

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Department of basic Sciences

A college of dentistry's Department of Basic Sciences is the cornerstone of dental education, giving students the fundamental scientific knowledge needed for clinical practice.  By fusing basic biomedical concepts with dental-specific knowledge, it guarantees that students understand the complex connections between oral health and basic science ideas.

Courses and Curriculum

 During the initial years of the dental program, the department provides foundational courses that focus on topics essential to dentistry:

 - **Physiology**:  Pay attention to the processes that impact dental health, including mastication, salivary function, and sensory pathways.

** Histology**: Histology focuses on the microscopic structure of tissues and organs, emphasizing the oral cavity and craniofacial region

** Pharmacology**: Pharmacology explores drug mechanisms, actions, and therapeutic applications, critical for safe and effective dental practice.

 **Biochemistry**: Examines molecular mechanisms that affect dental caries and periodontal disease, such as collagen formation, enamel mineralization, and metabolic pathways.

**Biology **: Biology forms the core of dental education, providing insights into the structure, function, and interactions of living systems Study of cellular processes (e.g., cell signaling, apoptosis) in oral tissues. And Molecular mechanisms of wound healing, and inflammation.

 **Microbiology**: focus on role of oral microbiota in health and disease (e.g., caries, periodontitis). And Host-pathogen interactions and immune responses.

 **Biophysics**: Biophysics applies principles of physics and engineering to biological systems, particularly in understanding dental materials and diagnostic tools.

teaches the characteristics and uses of biomaterials utilized in clinical practice as well as restorative materials.

** Dental Informatics**: Dental informatics applies data science, information technology, and analytics to improve dental education, research, and patient care. It is increasingly vital in the era of digital dentistry and precision medicine.



**Mission of the department **

The department's goal is to develop scientifically literate dentists who can think critically and use evidence-based practice, so they can provide patient-centered treatment and adjust to changing healthcare environments.

 The Department of Basic Sciences gives aspiring dentists the information and abilities they need to succeed in clinical practice and scientific research by combining demanding coursework, creative research, and multidisciplinary teamwork.


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