Director General Word of the Medical Research Center

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Director General Word of the Medical Research Center



Assistant Prof. Dr. Aza Bahadeen Taha

The Director General

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Welcome to the Medical Research Center!

At the Medical Research Center, we are committed to fostering a culture of excellence in research. As the Director General, I am thrilled to lead an institution that plays a pivotal role in advancing scientific knowledge. Our center serves as a hub for training and support for researchers affiliated with Hawler Medical University and other academic institutions across Kurdistan. Through our comprehensive training programs, we equip researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel at every stage of the research process. From research methodology to biostatistics, from research writing to reference management, our training curriculum covers a wide range of essential topics. Participants receive expert instruction and hands-on experience, empowering them to conduct rigorous and impactful research in their respective fields. Moreover, our center boasts state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment, including conventional and real-time PCR machines, gel electrophoresis systems, and DNA testing technologies. Researchers have access to these resources to conduct their experiments with precision and accuracy. We are proud to foster a collaborative research environment, welcoming researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to utilize our facilities and engage in interdisciplinary collaboration. By bringing together experts from various fields, we catalyze innovation and drive progress in healthcare and beyond. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just beginning your research journey, the Medical Research Center is here to support you. Join us in advancing knowledge, improving health outcomes, and making a difference through research at the Medical Research Center.


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