Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery in few words

It is one of the first found departments in the college of dentistry back to 1995 in university of Salahaddin. When authority decided to include all medical faculties in one university under the name of Hawler Medical University (back to 2006), our department was one of the main clinical and academic departments that the university depends on for preparation of both under and post graduate students in the discipline of surgery in college of dentistry.

Dr.Ahmed Abdulla FDS holder, ex head of department, was one of the three main academics (Dr.Zewar Alqesab PhD periodontology and Amal Henna BDS at that time) who found the college at a very tough time. They faced too many problem in the first years of the college life.

Now, the department is one of the most active departments not just in the college alone but in university too. We have 20 academic members, out of which, 5 with Assist prof title, 7 lecturers and 8 assist lecturers. In addition to three dental assistants.

The department carrying out both clinical and academic work. The clinical part is part of the preparation for both under and post graduate students. The department has two main clinical basis: one of 6 dental chairs in the college`s outpatient clinic which is the main base and the other of 3 dental chairs in Rizagry teaching hospital. In the first base, students going to learn history taking, physical examination, local anesthesia and simple extraction in 4th stage,  and difficult extraction and minor oral surgery  in 5th stage. On daily basis 20-25 patients getting treatment in this department. The same base is the place of majority of seminars of students and CME for academics. It is the main place for administrative works of the department.

The second base is in the main teaching hospital of the city(Rizgary hospital). Assist prof. Dr.Ryadh Alkamali, Assist prof. Dr. Shehab Ahmed, Assist prof. Dr. Othman A. Omer, Assist prof Dr. Ahmed Abdulla, Lecturer Dr. Hendreen Muhemed, Lecturer Dr.Omed Ikram, Lecturer Dr. Khurshid A. Kheder Khrwatany and Dr.Mustefa Reswl are the senior staff of this department.  In this department of maxillofacial surgery there are three chairs for consultation and minor surgery, three days of surgical operation under general anesthesia, first, second and third calls in the city emergency hospitals for urgent maxillofacial cases. Dental implanting is an other scope of job in this department. In this base we have post graduate students of all levels including MSc., PhD, Kurdistan, Iraq and Arabic Board of medical specialties. It is the base for training of intern dentists. It is the base for 5th stage students to be familiar with maxillofacial conditions and managements.

As academic part of the department mission, The staff of department holding theoretical lectures for undergraduate students starting from third stage and up to graduation, theoretical part of postgraduate student. Every year the department has graduation of at least 3 MSc. Students in oral surgery and implantology. In the Kurdistan board of medical specialties our academics has a great role in both theoretical and practical preparation of students. Publishing scientific articles, being speakers in the national and international conferences and being part of the evaluation committees of researches, degree giving, and scientific promotions are the daily duties of the department staff.

Parallel to the above mentioned duties, our staff are participating in the administrative life of the college. Assist Prof. Dr.Ahmed Abdulla, is head of scientific committee in the department  and director of outpatient clinic, Assist Lecturer Dr. Abduljaleel Azad is assistant director of outpatient clinic, Assist Lecturer Dr.Hozak Zahir is the member of examination committee, Assist Lecturer Dr. Jodal Hemedamin is member of student permission by medical reason committee, Assist Lecturer Dr.Rojh Momtaz is member of quality assurance committee, Assist prof. Dr.Luqman Fawzi is head of higher education unit in the college, Lecturer Dr.Omed Ikram is secretary of the department and secretary of edition in Zanco Journal of medical sciences, Assist prof. Dr.Othman A.Omer is head of department, member of college council, member of edition council of Zanco Journal of medical Sciences, Lecturer Dr.Khurshid A.Kheder Khrwatany is head of Self-Study Committee and member of College internet site committee. Assist prof. Dr.Ali Sultan is member of examination committee for post graduate students.

In other words, the department fulfils completely the criteria of being an academic, clinical and administrative part of the university with a huge and bright plans for future.     

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