Dean's Word Nursing

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Assist. Prof. Dr. Vian Affan Naqshbandi

The Dean

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Dear Friends and Colleagues:

It is an honor to write to you as the College of Nursing Dean at Hawler Medical University. I look forward to working with our entire community - faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. Together we can assure the continued excellence and strength of the college. Doing so will mean choosing our priorities carefully.

There has never been a better time to be a professional nurse. Job opportunities abound and are expanding into new areas every day. Nursing is a rewarding career, a career in which you can have a positive impact on the lives of individuals, families, and communities. It is a career that will serve you well throughout the many stages of your life.

The healthcare needs of individuals, families and populations demand a highly qualified nursing workforce prepared for the challenges of the future. Our standard of excellence reflects upon all of us and we are proud of the accomplishments of our alumni. The plans for a new nursing addition to the Life Sciences Building are essential to our future progress. We will need support from everyone to make this a reality.

The faculty and I invite you to allow us to assist you in achieving your goal for a challenging and rewarding career as a professional nurse. The College enjoys an excellent reputation for preparing outstanding professional nurses who are well prepared to assume leadership positions


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