Dara Meran

Assistant Professor
Hawler Medical University
University Presidency
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Assistant Professor Dr. Dara O. Meran has BSc in Agriculture from the University of Mosul in 1975, MSc and Ph.D. from Poznan Academy Poland in 1983 and 1985, respectively. He has a long and extensive experience in higher education management and administration. He is currently the President of Hawler Medical University. He previously held the positions of Vice President for Administration and Financial Affairs at the University of Salahaddin (1998-2004) and the Dean of the colleges of Science (2000), Physical Education (1998 and 2004-2008) and Pharmacy (2010). He also worked as the head of the Biology Department at the College of Education of the University of Salahaddin and was involved in different administration and scientific committees. He taught both undergraduate and postgraduate students for long years. He has participated in different management and educational training courses in and outside the country. He has several publications in national and international journals.&a
President of Hawler Medical University