Kwestan Rafat Muhammad

College of Health Sciences
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
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Welcome to my acadimic profile:
My name is Kwestan Rafat Muhammad, I am a lecturer at Clinical Biochemistry Department, College of Health Sciences, Hawler Medical university. I am ا Biochemist and teaching Clinical Biochemistry.
My background is in Biochemistry and Chemistry.
Influence of non-alcoholic malt beverages on urinary excretions of calcium and
uric acid. (Published)
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of Betula pendula leaves extract and its
effects on model foods. (Published)
Measuring Flouride in Human Saliva and Water.(Accepted)
2003-2007 BSc degree, Chemistry department, College of Science, Salahaddin University-erbil, Erbil, Iraq.
2010- 2012 Research Master(ResM) degree in Biochemistry, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
CPD member