Shaymaa Sameer Maqsood

Assistant Lecturer

College of Nursing

Department of Midwifery

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Shaymaa Sameer Maqsood has MSc degree in Community Health Nursing from Hawler Medical University .she is assistant lecturer midwifery department college of Nursing at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq. She teaches different courses including Fundamental of Nursing, Maternity of Nursing, Parent education, Family Planning, Lab and Clinic. Has 5 Publication.


Self-Management of pregnant women regarding Minor discomforts

Google Scholar

1-Self-Management of pregnant women regarding Minor discomforts   in Primary Health Care Centers in Erbil City.

-B.Sc. Nursing/ College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University/Iraq 2006-2007


-M.Sc. Nursing/Community Health Nursing/College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University 2013-2014


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