Kafia Hashim Karim

College of Nursing
Department of Nursing
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Dr. Kafia has completed MSc nursing at Nursing college - Bharati Vedyapeeth Deemed University, Pune - India from 2010-2012. Then in 2019 has been accepted in PhD at Hawler Medical University - College of Nursing. After a very hard work at NCU on Premature babies at Rapareen Teaching Hospital and making a unique program to reduce the stress of the parents and increase the caring and growth of the babies got the PhD certificate with the range of excellence.
M.Sc. Thesis:: A study to assess maternal factors leading to low birht weight babies in Pune city - India
PhD Thesis: Impact of Empowerment Program On Premature Infants’ Parental Stress And Interaction In Neonatal Care Unit
I have done many researches some of them are published:
1- Knowledge of Mothers Who Attending HaciQadir Antenatal Clinical Center Regarding Immunization
KKFDS Hassan, AKH Karim
kufa Journal for Nursing sciences 6 (2
K Karim, M Shaila
Journal of Kufa for Nursing Science 3 (2)
3- Home Practices of Kurdish Mothers Regarding Management of Jaundice among Newborns in Erbil City
KH Karim
Education 36 (9), 6.9
KH Karim, SS Hasan, DA Al-Banna, MA Karim
Dentist 13 (43.3), 8-26.7
HM Ahmed
Journal Of Raparin University-Vol 3 (8), 27
6- Premature infant parents’ Need at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Erbil City, Iraq: A descriptive cross-sectional Study
- October 2023 Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 73(9):S57-S61
M.Sc. Nursing: College of Nursing / Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University India
PhD. Nursing: College of Nursing / Hawler Medical University - Erbil/Iraq
Peadiatric of Nursing, Lab, research, clinic,