Bakhtyar Othman Omer
College of Nursing
Department of Nursing
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Bakhtyar Othman has a bachelor in nursing science from the College of Nursing at the Hawler Medical University and an MSc in Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at the Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. He is a lecturer of Adult Nursing at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq. He teaches adult nursing clinical and lab, Basic life support (First aid), English language, fundamentals of nursing theory, Lab, and clinical and teaches clinical health assessment. He has worked for one year in Rzgary teaching hospital. He has 5 publications nationally and internationally. I held a PhD in an Adult nursing speciality in the College of Nursing at the Hawler Medical University.
Assessment of nurse's knwoledge ragarding osteoporosis in Hawler and Rzgary teaching hospitals
Assessment of severity of depression among cancer patients in Nanakaly hospital
Awareness and practice concerning osteoporosis and its prevention among a sample of Kurdish women
Relation of socio-economic status of parents and peers on cigrrate smoking behaviour of teenagers in secondary school for boys in bnasalawa district
Job satisfaction among nurses in Rzgary teaching hospital in Erbil city
Causes of death among adult diabetic patients in Hawler teaching hospital in Erbil/ iraq
BSc in Nursing science in the College of Nursing / Hawler Medical university in 2003-2007
MSc in Adult Nursing in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing in the Sheffield Hallam University in the UK (Britain) 2011-2013
Fundamentals of Nursing, Adult Nursing, Basic Life Support, Clinical Critical Nursing, Clinical Health Assessment, Enlish and Terminology For nurses
Kurdistan Professional Health Syndicate
Kurdistan Scientific Nurses Association
Union of Kurdistan Teachers