Dara Abdulla Qadir Al-Banna

Assistant Professor
College of Nursing
Department of Nursing
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Dara Abdulla Qadir Al-Banna has a PhD degree in Adult Nursing (Stroke Rehabilitation) from Hawler Medical University. He is an Assistant Professor at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Acting as an editorial board member and reviewer in national and international scientific journals. Members of many scientific and administration committees at the levels of the ministry, university, college, and department. Active working in quality management and accreditation for nursing programs.
His current works at the Hawler Medical University are digitalization of the learning process, designing of Blended Learning Process, quality management system based on international Standardizations of ISO 9001:2015, capacity building, professional development that focuses on developing human and technical capacity to step out toward smart-university through international standards based on the unified process model in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC19796-(1,2,3,4) that helpful for ITLET-Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training in improving quality and international ranks of the Universities.
He teaches different courses in many public and private universities including Fundamental and Medical-Surgical Adult Nursing, Medical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Basic Life Support (First Aid), Global Health Care, Basic ECG Interpretation, Hospital Management, Professional Ethics, Academic Debate, Research Methodology, and Biostatistics.
He has more than 30 publications in national and international valuable journals. His current research work is mainly related to Stroke Rehabilitation and quality improvement through e-Learning and e-Health informatics management systems.
Before pursuing their academic career, he established seven years of experience in emergency management nursing care and laboratory in charge of virtual simulation-based laboratories, and as a clinical instructor in teaching hospitals.
Furthermore, he is involved in nursing curriculum development in the establishment of many private medical institutions and joined the International Rescue Committee IRC projects in Erbil displacement camps. It has more than 30 awards and prices. He is a senior membership of Iraq Country Delegates in the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) and International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN).
He has more than 20 publications in local and international scientific valuable journals. His current research work is mainly related to Stroke Rehabilitation and e-Health Informatic.
Researcher ID: D-9032-2014
Google Scholar: Citation 110
Arab Researcher ARID id: 0001-6221
ORCID: 0000-0003-1514-6590
Publons for Reviewers: 1245855
A Associated Editor of Erbil Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (EJNM)
A Reviewer in Eastern Mediterranean Journal of Health Sciences (WHO)
A Reviewer in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
A Reviewer in Kurdistan Journal of Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR)
2. Disability Assessment of Diabetic Patients in Erbil City
3. Effectiveness of Teaching Program on Knowledge and Practice of Insulin Self-Administration in Diabetic Patients
4. Feedback on Teaching Evaluation for Master Students in College of Nursing -Erbil City between Years 2012-2014
5. Nurses’ Knowledge regarding Ebola Virus Disease in Erbil City
6. Impact of Education Program on Breast Self Examination among a group of Kurdistan Women Union / Erbil City
7. Assessment of Social Phobia Level among Nursing Students at Hawler Medical University in Erbil City-Iraq
8. Healthy Lifestyle for Clients Attending to Primary Health Care Centers in Erbil City
9. Relation of Socio-economic Status of Parents and Peers on Cigarette Smoking Behavior of Teenagers in Secondary Schools for Boys in Bnaslawa District
10. Effectiveness of a health education programme on Sarsang primary school age children regarding oral hygiene in Erbil city
11. Awareness and practice concerning osteoporosis and its prevention among a sample of Kurdish women
12. Knowledge of Breast cancer patients regarding side effects of chemotherapy at Rizgary teaching hospital in Erbil city-Iraq
13. Risk Factors of Hip Fracture among Elderly in Erbil City: A Case-Control Study
14. Core Professional and Personal Values of Nurses about Nursing in Erbil City Hospitals: A Profession, Not Just Career
16. The Impact of Teaching the Creative writing by FOCUS
Strategy to Develop
17. Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Bacterial
Vaginosis among First Trimester Pregnant Women in Erbil
Maternity Hospital
18. Healthy Individuals and Coronary Artery Disease Patients Knowledge regarding Diet and Exercise in Erbil City: A Comparative Study
19. Risk Factors Associated with Stroke among Elderly Adults: A Case-Control Study
20. Barriers to Adherence to Post-stroke Exercise Program: A Qualitative Study into the Experiences of Patients with Stroke
21. Mobile Cloud Learning fo Hawler Medical University: A Case Study of DBMS's in the Cloud
22. Patient Satisfaction with the Health Care Services Provided by Hospitals in Erbil City.
23. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices related to COVID-19 among People in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Survey.
24. Assessment of Minor Disorders among Pregnant Women
Attending Malafandi Primary Health-Care Center/Erbil-City
25. Lifestyle Factors and Symptoms of GERD: A Population-Based Study.
26. Reliability of The Post-Operative Recovery Index for Measuring Quality of Recovery after Surgery.
28. Motivations of Wearing Face Mask: A Cross-sectional Study.
29. Prevalence and determinants of anxiety and stress in the general population during COVID-19 pandemic in Iraq: A cross-sectional study
31. Perceived barriers to physical exercise among women in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan Region
- PhD Student Nursing/College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University/ Iraq 2016- 2020
Dissertation: Effect of Rehabilitation Exercise on Activities of Daily Living among Stroke Patients: An Embedded Mixed-Method Study
- M.Sc. Nursing/College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University/ Iraq 2012-2013
Thesis: Disability Assessment of Diabetic Patients in Erbil City
- B.Sc. Nursing/College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University/Iraq 2008-2009
- B.Sc. Law/College of Law and Political Science/Salahaddin University/Iraq 2006-2007
- Diplom. Medical Institute/Medical Institute/Erbil Polytechnique University/ Iraq 1998-1999
Fundamental of Nursing, Adult Nursing, Basic Emergency Life Support - First Aid, Medical Biostatistics-SPSS, Medical Research Methodology, Consolidation, English Language-Medical Terminology, Psychiatric Nursing, Global Health Care, Academic Debate, and Health Administration Ethics.
Professional Memberships:
1. Associated Editor in Erbil Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.
2. Kurdistan Professionals Health Syndicate.
3. Kurdistan Scientific Nurses Association.
4. Jurists' Syndicate of Kurdistan.
5. Kurdistan Nurses and Midwifery Organization.
6. Union of Kurdistan Teachers.
7. International Rescue Committee IRC.
8. Erbil Nursing and Midwifery Development Program.
9. Planning of Continuous Nursing Education Committee in Ministry of Health.
10. Senior membership of Iraq Country Delegates in the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL).
11. Membership in the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN).