Farhad Hamad Mustafa

Assistant Professor

College of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy

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Farhad Hamad Mustafa has Msc degree in Laser Physics from college of science - Salahaddin Universiy and PhD in Medical Physics from Unicersity Science of Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia.

He has more than 20 publications. His current research work is mainly  related to laser skin interaction, photodynamic therapy and radiation protection.


He has more than 20 publications. His current research work is mainly related to laser skin interaction, photodynamic therapy and radiation protection. 

1.   Farhad Hamad Mustafa, M.I. Azzawe, Improving Reliability of cw Bar Laser Diodes by Novel Mounting, J.Edu.&Sci., 01/2007; Vol. 21, No.2,:p83-98..

2.      Farhad Hamad Mustafa, M. I. Azzawe , Efficient System of Laser Diode cw Pumped on Nd:YAG Laser. J.Edu.&Sci 01/2008; Vol. 21, No.4,:p57-66..

3.      Mustafa F. H., Jaafar M S, Ismail A H, Ahmad F. Omar, Zahra  A. Timimi & Houssin, H. A. A. 2010. Red Diode Laser in the Treatment of Epidermal Disease in PDT. International Conference on Biomedical . Engineering Systems and Technologies Proceedings, 22 August 2011, Singapore 71-74.

4.      Mustafa F. H., Jaafar M S., Ismail A H, Ahmad F. Omar, A., A. Timimi & Houssin, H. A. A. 2010. Influences of different low level laser power at wavelength 635 nm for two types of skin; dark and light Proceedings of the 7th IMT-GT UNINET and the 3rd International PSU-UNS Conferences on Bioscience. October 2010, Thailand, 130-135.

5.      Mustafa F. H., Jaafar M S., Ismail A H . 2011. Control Light Delivery in PDT by Taking Account the Optical Properties of Hair Density on the Skin Surface. Modern Applied Science, 5, p149.

6.      Mustafa F. H., Jaafar M S., Ismail A H, A., Ahmad F. Omar, & Houssin, A.A. 2011 Influence of Hair Color on Photodynamic Dose Activation in PDT for Scalp Diseases. The 5th Kuala Lumpur International conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Springer. IFMBE Proceedings 35, 315-319.

7.      Mustafa F. H., Jaafar M S, Ismail A H. 2010. P15 The effect of diode laser (645 nm) on the treatment of epidermis diseases for different colors skin in the photo dynamic therapy (PDT). Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 7, Supplement 1, S37.

8.      Mustafa, F. H., Jaafar M S, Ismail A H.,  & Houssin, H. A. A. 2011. The effect of laser wavelength in photodynamic therapy and phototherapy for superficial skin diseases. IEEE, International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2011) Proceedings, Penang, Malaysia, 232-236.

9.      Ismail A H, Jaafar M S, Hend A A Sultani , Mustafa F H. 2011. The impact of exposing human blood samples to the radon gas on Platelet count: Using new Exposure Technique. Biophysical Reviews and Letters Vol.6, Nos. 1&2, p.81-92.

10.  Ismail A. H., Jaafar M. S., Mustafa F. H., 2010. Hematological Effects of Radon Gas; New Irradiation Technique, Proceedings , International Conference on Biotechnology for Healthy Living(TSB 2010), 20-22 October 2010, Prince of Songkla University , pp.1112-1118.

11.  Ismail A. H., Jaafar M. S., Mustafa F. H., 2011. Assessment of Inhalation and Ingestion Doses from Exposure to Radon Gas using Passive and Active Detecting Techniques, Proceedings , International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, June 6-9, ICC Ghent –Belgium.

12.  Ismail A. H., Jaafar M. S., Mustafa F. H.,2011. Histological Study to Estimate Risks of Radon Inhalation Dose on a Lung Cancer: In vivo.  The 5th Kuala Lumpur International conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

13.  Ismail A. H., Jaafar M. S., Mustafa F. H.,2011. Design New Detection Technique for Deposition of Radon’s Daughter onto Human Blood Samples. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2011) Proceedings, Penang, Malysia.

14.  Hussein H.A., Jaafar M.S., Ali Z., Timimi, Z.A., Mustafa F. H., and Ismail A., (2011). Study on hematocrit in relation with age and gender using low power Helium-Neon laser irradiation. The 5th Kuala Lumpur International conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Springer. IFMBE Proceedings 35, 463-466.

15.  Hussein H.A., Jaafar M.S., Ali Z., Timimi, Z.A., Mustafa F. H., and Ismail A., 2011. Influence of low power He-Ne Laser Irradiantion on Hemoglobin concentration, mean cellular volume of red blood cell, and mean cellular hemoglobin, Malysian Journal of Health Science. 76-82.

16.   Zahra Al Timimi, M.S. Jaafar, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Hend A.A Houssein, Mustafa F. H and Ghaleb A.Al-Dahash. 2012. The Influence of low-power laser Energy on Red blood cell and platelets  (In vitro) .PSRC International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences ( ICBBPS, 2012 ) ,12-15. 

17.  Zahra Al Timimi, Faisal Muti Al-Hassan , M.S. Jaafar, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Hend A.A Houssein, Mustafa F. H. 2012. Green laser effect on properties of human Erythrocytes(In-vitro) ,  Photonics & Lasers in Medicine.

18.  Mustafa F. H, M. S. Jaafar Comparison of wavelength-dependent penetration depths of lasers in different types of skin in photodynamic therapy, Indian Journal of Physics (Impact Factor: 1.79). 11/2012; DOI:10.1007/s12648-012-0213-0

19.  Mustafa F. H, Mohamad S. Jaafar, Shaving area of unwanted hair before laser operation is useful in cosmetic procedure: A simulation study, Journal of the Saudi Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 36–42

20. Farhad Hamad Mustafa, Mohamad Suhimi Jaafar, Asaad Hamid Ismail, Kussay Nugamesh Mutte, Comparison of Alexandrite and Diode Lasers for Hair Removal in Dark and Medium Skin: Which is Better?, Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 5, No 4 (2014)

Aug 2012 PhD  Medical Physics - School of Physics - Univesity Science Malaysia.

Thesis Title:

Modelling of Photodynamic Activation and Factors Affecting Dose  Delivery in Human Skin.

Oct 2006 Msc Laser Pysics- College of Science- Salahaddin University

Thesis Title:

Spectral Sutdies of Optically Injected Nd:YAG Laser by BLD

Aug 2001 Bachelore  in Physics - College of Science - Salahaddin University


Teacher in college of science – physics department (2001-2006)

Teacher in college of pharmacy- Medical physics- (2007-till now)


Deputy dean of college of pharmacy (2006-2009)  

Director of postgraduate studies unite in college of pharmacy (2014- 2015)

Dean of  Rwands Private Technical Institute  (2015- till now)

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