Anoosh Bashir Hagop

College of Pharmacy
Department of Phrmaceutics
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Anoosh B. Hagopian
General: Pharmacist
Specialization: Pharmaceutics
- B.Sc. Pharmacy (2008) and M.Sc. Pharmaceutics (2013) from Hawler Medical University, College of Pharmacy/ Erbil, Iraq.
- Member staff as Lecturer at Pharmaceutics Department, HMU, College of Pharmacy, Erbil/ Iraq.
- Training course and Visiting Researcher in Cancer cell lines (2015), at Biomedical Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham/ UK.
Research interest:
- Pharmaceutical drug dosage form design and delivery system.
- Biomedical sciences and chemotherapy.
- Evaluation of anti cancer activity of plants.
Undergraduate pharmacy students.
1- Comparative antioxidant activity of Gymnema sylvestre, Enicostemma littoral, Momordica charantia and their composite extract, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2015; 4(1): 95-98.
2- Formulation and Evaluation of Valsartan Oral Granule.
3- Investigation The Fate of Unused or Expired Medicines in Erbil Governorate.
4- Impact of solubility enhancement methods on the dissolution rate of valsartan sachet (acceptance letter from the journal).
5- In-vitro Evaluation of Expired Meloxicam Tablet For Three Consecutive Years.
Teaching experience with different stages at College of Pharmacy/ Hawler Medical University, including:
- Physical Pharmacy, 2nd stage students
- Pharmacy Practice, 4th stage students
- Industrial Pharmacy, 5th stage students
- Cosmetics, 5th stage students
- Pharmaceutical calculations, 1st stage students
- Pharmaceutical calculations, 2nd stage students
Professional Membership at Syndicate of pharmacists, Erbil/ Iraq.