Rezhaw Omar Hasan

Assistant Lecturer
College of Dentistry
Department of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine
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1- Clinical Evaluation of the Theraputic Effect of High and Low-Power 940 nm Diode Laser on Minor Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. A Case Control Study
2- A clinical study on the removal of gingival hyperpigmentation using semiconductor diode laser
1- Oral Laser Applications.
2- Laser in Dentistry.
3- Laser-Assisted Therapy in Oral Medicine.
4- Laser uses in Conservative Dentistry.
5- Laser applications in Paediatric Dentistry.
In progress
1- B.D.S (2006-2007)-College of Debtistry/Hawler Medical University, Erbil-Iraq
2- Master Degree EMDOLA (2010-2012)-College of Dentistry/University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice-France
General: Dentist (B.D.S.)
Specific: Oral Laserology
Date of First Assignement in University: 2013
1-Iraqi Dental Association (IDA)
2- Kurdistan Dental Association (KDA- Erbil branch)
3- Laser Academy Membership
4- World Federation of Laser Dentistry (WFLD)