Sazgar Muhammed Sabir


College of Dentistry

Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry (POP)

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5 th stage students researches.

1- Dental Caries experience and periodontal health status in a sample of autism children/ Zanco Journal of Medical Science/ Vol.22.No.(1),2017.

2- The influence of type 1 diabetes mellitus on dentition and oral health of children and adolescents attending two diabetic centers in Erbil City/ Zanco Journal of Medical Science/ Vol.16.No.(3), 2012. 

3-SEM Evaluation of Depth of Penetration and Lateral wall Adaptations of Different Resin Based Pit and Fissure Sealants/ Systemic Reviw Pharmacy/ vol 11(1), 2020.

4- Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Biocompatability of Different Resin Based Pit and Fissure Sealant/ Polytechnic Journal/ 2751, 2020.  

Google Scholar Profile

 - B.D.S Degree from 2000-2005/ University of Salahaddin/ College of Dentistry/ Iraq.

- M.Sc. Degree in Preventive Dentistry from 2010-2012/ HMU/ College of Dentistry/ Iraq.

- Ph.D. Degree in Conservative Dentistry from 2016-2020/ HMU/ College of Dentistry/ Iraq.


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