Assistant Professor

College of Dentistry

Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry (POP)

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Orthodontic specialist + Preventive Dentistry,intersted to TADs reaserch, Biomechanics,Cleft lip and palate researches & Orthodontic Index.

orthodontics,TADs ,Biomechanics, Occlusion , Fixed and removable orthodontics appliances.


The effects of Flouride Conc. in Removable Orthodontic applaince on the oral health status. (M.Sc. student in orthodontic .

Eruption time of permanent teeth and its association with socio-demographic and anthropometric variables in Dohuk governorate. (Ph.D. student in Pedodontics.)

1-Prospective Study of Oral Health, Pain and Discomfort, and Success Rates Following Insertion of Orthodontic Mini-Implants,Sulaimani Dental Journal.Volume 5 Issue 1 August 2018.

2-Evaluation of salivary calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase level in children (4-6 years) with nursing caries in Erbil City. published in Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 21, No. (3), December 2017

3-Periodontal health status of fixed orthodontic patients, published in 3rd international conference for medical sciences, proceeding book Vol.(II),2012.

4-Prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment need
in a sample of 12-15-year-old Kurdish schoolchildren
in Ranyia district.Erbil Dental Journal Vol.1 No.2 Dec 2018.

5-Accelerated Orthodontic Canine Retraction Using Minimally
Invasive Orthocision: An in vivo study
Omar Fawzi Chawshli; Zana Qadir Omer; Omed Ikram.Erbil Dental Journal Vol.1 March 2018 

6-Developing white spot lesion (WSL) in patients with Fixed orthodontic appliance in Erbil city of Iraq.November 2018, Al-Rafidain Dental Journal 19(1):52-59

7- Evaluation of Fluoride release from the orthodontic acrylic resin by using two different polymerization techniques: An In-Vitro Study.Jun 2019, EDJ Vol.2 No.1 

8-Eruption Time of Permanent Teeth among Kurds Aged 5-15 Years in Duhok Governorate- Kurdistan Region, Iraq.January 2020, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 14(1)

9-Orthodontic retention protocol among Kurdistan Region of Iraq orthodontists. EDJ Vol.3 No.1 Jun 2020.

10- Bolton Ratio of Different Angle’s Classifications in a School Children Sample of Erbil City: A Cross‑sectional Study.Polytechnic Journal. 2020. 10(2): 87-97.

B.D.S (Mosul University 1994)

M.Sc. in Orthodntics (Hawler Medical University 2002)

Ph.D. in Preventive Dentistry (Hawler Medical University 2010)

member in:

Americal Association of Orthodontic (AAO)

Word federation of Orthodontics (WFO)

Head of Pedo,Orthod & Preventive Dentistry /College of Dentistry

CEO in Noor Dent Center.

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