Ihsan Neimat Bahnam

Assistant Professor
College of Dentistry
Department of Conservative Dentistry
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Comparison the PH of roots after intra canal placement of four types of calcium hydroxide (An invitro study)
Effect of canal dryness and flaring on the accuracy of two electronic apex locators.
Evaluation Morphological changes of simulated canals with different nickie titanium rotary instruments .
Evaluation the effect of different instrumentation,
obturation on apical microleakage
(In vitro comparative study)
Effect of different surface treatments on shear bond strength of zirconia bonded to dentin with two resin luting cements.
Evaluation of Antibacterial efficacy of different disinfection regims combined with nickle titanuim rotary instrumentation against Enterococcus Faecalis(Invitro study
ICOS III conference Professional training on btk system and devices sulaiymaniah dental meeting