Shawnam Nasih Dawood
Assistant Professor
College of Medicine
Department of Surgery
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Assistant Professor at College of Medicine/Hawler Medical University
Director of Radiology Branch/Surgery Department/College of Medicine/Hawler Medical University
Consultant Radiologist/Ministry of health, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Member of Kurdistan and Iraqi Doctors Syndicate
Member of Iraqi and Kurdistan association of Radiology Doctors
Member of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Member of Voluson Club
Member of Kurdistan Research Club
1. Enhanced fertility after diagnostic hysterosalpingography using water-soluble contrast media. M Ghazi, A Khalis, SN Dawood
ZJMS 2015;19 (1), 923-8
2. Prevalence of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Low Back Pain Patients in Erbil city. SN Dawood, SA Amin, SM Uthman
The 3rd international conference for medical sciences of HMU proceeding book 2012; vol(1)pages 151-157.
3. Sonographic evaluation of maternal kidneys in normal pregnancy. SN Dawood, SA Amin, SS ShekhMuhammed
ZJMS 2015;19 (1), 880-885
4. Sonographic Normal Thyroid Gland Volume in Healthy Adults in Erbil. SN Dawood, M Ghazi, SM Uthman. The first scientific conference of college of medicine/Hawler Medical University proceeding book, pages 104-116.
5. Can vaginal ultrasound replace diagnostic curettage in the detection of endometrial pathology in post-menopausal bleeding? Sedeq, M., Dawood, S., Farooq, A., & Alalaf, S. Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci), 23(2), 233-241.
6. Normal anatomic variants of paranasal sinus region studied by computed tomography. SN Dawood Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences (Zanco J Med Sci) 24 (2), 187-196
MBChB ...1990-Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq
Msc Radiology .... 2001-University of Mosul, Iraq
PhD Radiology....2024-Hawler Medical University, Iraq
Director of Radiology Branch at Surgery Department, College of Medicine/HMU
Participation in teaching process of undergraduate and postgraduate students
Academic supervisor of 4th year students
Responsible for quality assurance and CPD of radiology at surgery department, college of medicine/HMU
Member of accreditation subcommittee—college of medicine/HMU
Personal academic tutor, College of Medicine/HMU