Jalal Ali Jalal
College of Medicine
Department of Basic Sciences
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Professor of Pathology, department of Basic Sciences/ pathology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil.
Consultant histopathologist, Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Erbil.
1. GFAP ex
2. Hysterectomy, A clinicopathologic Study.
3. Ki-67(MIB-1) and Progesterone Receptor in Meningioma An Immunohistochemical Study.
4. Characterization of undifferentiated malignant spindle cell tumors, a practical immunohistochemical study in Kurdistan region, Iraq.
5. Case report: Primary breast lymphoma.
6. ex
7. Immunohistochemical ex
8. Case report: Acroangiodermatitis(Pseudo-Kaposi’s sarcoma) a challenging vascular condition.
9. Case report: A case of Argyria following colloidal silver ingestion.
10. Oral and maxillofacial pathology submitted to Rizgary Teaching Hospital: a 6 year retrospective study.
11. IDH1(R132H) Immunoex
12. Regional Differences in Histological features of Bladder Cancer Diagnosed in Post- War Iraq.
13. Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma: A case report and review of literature.
14. Stromal CD 10 ex
15. Significance of B- catenin Immunohistochemical ex
16. Cyclooxygenase-2 Immunoex
17. Importance of sputum cytopathology and Acid- Fast bacilli smears in diagnosis of lung tuberculosis and other lesions.
18. Immunohistochemical ex
19. I mmunohistochemical ex
20. Metastatic breast cancer to stomach mimicking primary gastric cancer.
21. Immunohistochemical ex
22. P53 gene and ki 67 proliferative index in colorectal adenomas- a clinicopathological study.
23. Congenital granular cell epulis: a case report with immunohistochemistry.
24. Immunohistochemical ex
25. Effect of local propolis irrigation in experimetal periodontitis in rats on inflammatory markers (IL-1B and TNF-a) and oxidative stress.
26. Imunohistochemical ex
27. Immunohistochemical ex
28. Stromal CD 10 ex
29. Immunohistochemical expresion of E- Cadherin in gastric carcinoma in Erbil city, Kurdistan Region.
30. The effect of local propolis irrigation as an adjunct to scalling and root planning on alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis in rats.
31. BIRADS, Cytopathology and Histopathological approach for diagnosis of breast masses in Erbil, a comparative study.
32. Novel correlations among the histopathological components of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
33. Immunohistochemical based study on frquency of HPV in oral squamous cell carcinoma biopsies of Iraqi Kurdistan patients.
34. Interplay of mastcells, HPV and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
35. ex
36. Immunohistochemical ex
37. Immunohistochemical ex
38. Immunohistochemical expreesion of COX 2 in urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder.
39. Immunohistochemical ex
FIBMS (Pathology) 2003-2006, IBMS, Baghdad
MSc (Pathology) 2001-2002, College of Medicine, Salahaddin University, Erbil
MBChB, 1981-1987, College of Medicine, University of Mosul
Iraqi medical association, 1987
Kurdistan doctors syndicate, 2008
International Iraqi Medical Association (IIMA- on line), 2009
European Society of Pathology(ESP), since 2013
Kurdistan Society of Pathology, 2017
Member of Curriculum Development Committee, since 2012.