Salwa Ahmed Amin

Assistant Professor
College of Medicine
Department of Surgery
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I am assistant professor ,consultant radiologist in department of Surgery /
college of Medicine /Hawler medical university.
I supervised many postgraduated students of Msc,iraqi board of radiologystudents.
I have many published researches .
head of radiology department at maternity hospital from1995-2003
I am interest in women health reasearches ,breast & neuoimaging
1-Soran sedek,higher diploma thesis title ( Role of U/S in diagnosis of appendicitis) -2012
2-Rahmattulla Muhammad ,higher Diploma with thesis ( MRI findings of the cervical spine in patients with neck pain )- 2014
3-Diyar Othman,high Diploma thesis(doppler ultrasoundin pre-eclampsia:A case control study ) -2015
4-Shelan Hakeem ,high Diploma thesis ( Role of color flow ultrasound in detection of deep venous thrombosis)-2016
5- Hvrass Izzat ,Arabic board of diagnostic radiology(Evaluation of ultesound &FNA cytology findings of solid thyroid nodules.- 2016
6-Shymaa Hashim .Arabic board of diagnostic radiology (the role of computed tomography in differentiation between malignant and non- malignant cavitary lung lesions .-2017
1. | Salwa Ahmed AL-Najjar, "three -dimensional ultrasound in evaluation of fetal brain anomalies", ZJMS, 2016. |
2. | Salwa Ahmed AL-Najjar,Shelan Hakeem Mohammad, "role of color flow ultrasound in detection of Deep Venous Thrombosis", journal of education and practis , 2016. |
3. | Salwa Ahmed AL-Najjar,Abbas Ai-rabaty,Isam Al-Hatam, "Analysis of chest x-ray and clinical findings in children with pneumonia", ZJMS, 2013. |
4. | shawnm Nasih Dawood , Salwa Ahmed Amin ,Samir Mahmood othman , "prevelaceof magnatic resonace imaging findings in low back pain patients in Erbil", prceeding book of 3rd international conference for medical sciences, 2012. |
5. | shawnum Nasih Dawood. Salwa Ahmed Amin , Samira Salim Shekhmuhmmed, "Sonographic evaluation of maternal kidneys in normal pregnancy", ZJMS, 1-6-2014. |
1- Ph.D in radiology /hawler medical university -2003-2007
2-high Diploma in radiology /MOsul UNiversity -1991-1993.
3-M.B.Ch.B /mosul university /iraq- 1979-1985.
academic title
1-assistant professor in radiology/hawler medical university-march 2016
2-lecturer /november 2007.
3-assistant lecturesr-june 1996.
proffessional title :
1-specialist in radiology,MOH,KRG-iraq-1993
2-consultant radiologist 2017.
3-member of iraqi syndicate of doctors since 1985.
4-memeber of kurdistan syndicate of doctors since 2003
5-member of kurdistan-iraq socity of obst/gyn