Zakarea Abdullah Yaseen

Assistant Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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Zakariya Abdullah Yaseen Alkhayat .

DOB   : 11/20/1958

Postal Address  :  IRAQ   Erbil

                          Hawler Medical   University  

                          College of Medicine   ,   Dep. Microbiology

Mobile    #       : +9647504868609

Email               : 

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Serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sheep and goats in Erbil city, Iraq .  J.M. Kader and Z. A.Y. Al-Khayat
Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 27 (1), 21-23
Antiviral activity of enviroxime against poliovirus and rubella virus in tissue culture .ZA Al-Khayat, AM Ahmad .
Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 4 (1), 9-12
The prevalence of positive serum anticardiolipin antibodies and asymptomatic bacteriuria in women with recurrent abortions .
ZAY Al-khayat, NE Waheda, NF Shaker
The Eurasian journal of medicine 45 (1), 39
A clinico-epidemiological study on cutaneous leishmaniasis in Erbil, Iraq (2015-2017) .ZA Al-Khayat ZAY, Agha NFS, Alharmni KIF
International Journal of Research in Dermatology 4 (1), 1-7
Prevalence of refractive errors and other ocular disorders among students of the primary schools in urban of the Erbil city
ANFS Ahmad AM, Alkhayat ZA.Polytechnic Journal 7 (3), 12-16
Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Positive Hormone Receptors and HER2 Overexpression in Women with Breast Cancer
Zakarea AY Al-Khayat, Ahmed A Baban, Botan A Ali, Tamara AE Al-Mufty .Ibnosina J Med BS 8 (5), 168-175
Complement C3 and C4 Levels in Recurrent Aborting Women with or without Antiphospholipid and Anticardiolipin Autoantibodies
ZAY Al-khayat, NE Waheda, FF Shaker.
Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 6 (5), 213-218
Effects of female age of marriage on antisperm antibodies formation among infertile couples in Erbil city, Kurdestan region, IRAQ. ZAY Al-khayat
Middle East Journal of Internal Medicine 4 (1)
Effects of cigarette smoking on semen quality of infertile in Erbil governorate , Kurdestan , IRAQ .Zakarea A Alkhayat
Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 7 (8)
Effects of Electromagnetic Field on Mice Reproduction
Zakarea A Alkhayat , Dhahir T Ahmed , Kawthar I Al-Harmni
Middle East Journal of Internal Medicine 2 (2), 30-32
Efficiency of seminal fructose estimation as a marker of seminal fluid colonization with bacteria .Zakarea A Alkhayat , Kawthar I Al-Harmni , Sardar N Ahmed.
Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 7 (1), 14-17
Relationship of seminal fructose and sperm characteristics in infertile Men with bacteria in ejaculate .
Zakarea A Alkhayat , Kawthar I Al-Harmni ,Sardar N Ahmed
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences 12 (special issue), 71-79

MBChB ,1982 , College of Medicine , University  of Baghdad 

MSc     , 1998 ,College  of Medicine , University  of  Salahaddin

PhD    ,2003   , College of Medicine  , University   of Salahaddin 

1-  Teaching  activities :  Medical Virology  : undergraduate , postgraduate.

2- Postgraduate  supervision : MSc  supervision .

3- Supervisor of Erbil Center of Laboratory Medicine at Kurdestani Board .


6. Supervision of Postgraduate Students




Thesis title






The effects of serum  antisperm antibodies on the postcoital test and semen  fluid  parameters  among infertile  couples   in    Erbil governorate


Microbiology( immunology)




Seroprevalence of anti Toxoplasma  gondii  antibodies among meat producing animals in Erbil










A study on the prevalence of Entamoeba  histolytica and Giardia lamblia among  asymptomatic food handlers in  Erbil city and comparison of different techniques  for their detection








Prevalence of HBV,HCV,HIV ,ASA and their risk factors among infertile males in Erbil


Association of Autoimmunity And Viral Infections  Among Spontaneous Miscarriage  Women in Erbil








Medical Microbiology


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