Ghada Saadallah Alsakkal

Assistant Professor
College of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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AdConsultant obgyn
Director of Arabic BOARD of medical specialities in Obgyn. Erbil centre
Member of KISOG
Member of Iraqi society in Obgyn
1.Clinical , ultasonographic & endocrinological changes after laparoscopic ovarian drilling in PCOS patients
2.Meconium stained liquor, maternal and fetal outcome.
3.Serum uric acid level as predictor of perinatal outcome in patients with preeclampsia.
4.Ovarian cysts in patients with breast cancer on tamoxifen or other aromataze inhibitor for one year
5.Adverse effects of obesity on pregnancy .
1.Sheelan Omar PHD student
2.Sana Ismaeal Hasan KBMS
3.Marwa CABOG
4.Amera CABOG
5.Zainab High diploma
6.Alan KBMS
High diploma in Obs&Gyn DOG
Arab board in Obstetrics &Gynecology CABOG
1.Head of Department of Obstetrics &Gynecology Medical college HMU
2.Director of Arabic BOARD of medical specialities in Obgyn. Erbil centre
3.Supervisor in KBMS
4.Supervisor in Iraqi board