Sameeah Abdulrahman Rashid
Assistant Professor
College of Medicine
Department of Surgery
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Assisstant Professor in Radiology
Head of Radiology Unit /Department of Surgery/ College of Medicine /HMU
Head of Hawler Training Center for Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialization/ Clinical Radiology
Program Director of Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialization/ Clinical Radiology
Prevalence of Posterior Vitreous Detachment detected by Ultrasound in Erbil Governorate |
Zanko Medical Journal |
2014 |
Radiation Protection evaluation from radio diagnostic departments in Erbil Hospitals |
Zanko Medical Journal |
2014 |
Accessory Spleen: Prevalence and Multidetector CT Appearance |
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences |
2014 |
Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: A case Report |
Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences |
2015 |
Correlation between carotid artery intimal-media thickness and luminal diameter to body mass index and the classical cardiovascular risk factors as measured by ultrasound |
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal |
2015 |
Husen Abdulghani |
Radiology |
Prevalence of Posterior Vitreous Detachment detected by Ultrasound in Erbil Governorate |
2012 |
Sarbast Mahmud |
Radiology |
Correlation between carotid artery intimal-media thickness and luminal diameter to body mass index and the classical cardiovascular risk factors as measured by ultrasound |
2014 |
Basan Jamal |
Radiology |
Accuracy of Modified TIRADS in the evaluation of thyroid nodule |
2015 |
Ammar Abbud |
Radiology |
Sensitivity of MRCP in obstructive jaundice |
2016 |
Nyan Salahaddin |
Radiology |
CT Scan Detected calcification of Abdominal Aorta : Prevalence and Correlation to the Classical cardiovascular risk factors |
2016 |
Muazzaz Jalal |
Radiology |
Accuracy of High Resolution CT scan of Temporal bone in cholesteatoma |
2017 |
Prevalence of Posterior Vitreous Detachment detected by Ultrasound in Erbil Governorate |
Zanko Medical Journal |
2014 |
Radiation Protection evaluation from radio diagnostic departments in Erbil Hospitals |
Zanko Medical Journal |
2014 |
Accessory Spleen: Prevalence and Multidetector CT Appearance |
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences |
2014 |
Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: A case Report |
Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences |
2015 |
Correlation between carotid artery intimal-media thickness and luminal diameter to body mass index and the classical cardiovascular risk factors as measured by ultrasound |
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal |
2015 |
MBChB /Salahaddin University (HMU now)/ Iraq/ 2000
DMRD (Radiology) /Baghdad University/ Iraq /2007
FIBMS (Radiology)/Iraqi of Board for Medical Specialization/2008