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17th Graduation Ceremony - 2021/2022

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On 10 September 2022, Hawler Medical University organized the 17th round graduation ceremony for the study year 2021-2022.

The ceremony was honored by the participation of His Excellency Mr. Masrour Barzain, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Around 690 graduates were awarded with BSc degrees in different medical fields, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, midwifery, medical microbiology, clinical biochemistry, and physiotherapy.

The ceremony program included the speeches of the University President, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Students' representative, and Prime Minister.

During his speech, Professor Dr. Nooradin Ismail, President of Hawler Medical University, congratulated the graduates and wished them success in the new and important phase of their professional life. He asked them to never forget in their professional life the scientific and ethical medical principles they learned in college. He emphasized that Hawler Medical University is proud and happy to prepare these graduates with excellent knowledge and skills to work in health and medical facilities to server the Kurdistan society.

His Excellency, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, congratulated the graduates and wished them all success in their future. He stressed Hawler Medical University's important advances in developing study programs and teaching and learning methods and the advance in research production, particularly in the field of coronavirus. He emphasized the important role of the ministry to provide study opportunities for all graduates of secondary schools and provide university education to them.

His Excellency Mr. Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, congratulated the students and Hawler Medical University, and his speech touched on the following important topics:

- The medical field is a very sacred and humane profession and duty that should first aim to save people's lives and protect their health, and graduates should always keep the human aspect of their profession in mind.

- After graduating from university, a stage of life ends. However, learning does not end because learning is an ongoing process in human life, and people must continue to seek knowledge and learning. The field of medicine and health, like many other fields, is constantly developing, so you must always constantly try to obtain new information.

- Kurdistan universities are witnessing great development nowadays. The Kurdistan Regional Government has approved the Accreditation Board for the programs and institutions of education and higher education in order to develop and improve the scientific and academic level of our universities and educational institutions.

- One of the most important aspects of the reform of the ninth cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government is to reform the health sector, improve the quality of hospitals and reform the import, inspection, and monitoring of medicines. Several steps have been started with the cooperation of everyone, especially experts in this field, inside and outside Kurdistan. The health sector in Kurdistan can be improved to a level that becomes an example in the region. Improving the health sector is not only the government's responsibility but also requires the coordination, cooperation, and support of doctors and society in general.

- The government has high hopes for the young graduates who can play an effective role in the Kurdistan Region's change, reform, and development. The government will continue to support young graduates and their innovative projects and ideas, as they have a lot of ability and ideas to develop Kurdistan.

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