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CBRN National Conference

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Hawler Medical University in collaboration with the US Department of State ISN-CTR and Alwan Global organized the First National Conference of Safety and Security of

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Nonproliferation in Kurdistan region of Iraq on 2-3 March 2022 at Erbil International Hotel.

The conference opening ceremony wat attended by a number of governmental officials and a large number of participants. The University President, Professor Dr. Nooraddin Ismail, presented a speech and emphasized the importance of organizing such a conference to provide the opportunity to share new experiences and exchange updated knowledge on many issues and to help the different academic, industrial, governmental, and security sectors communicate and discuss the national efforts for reducing the risk of hazardous materials and find the best ways to coordinate institutional and intersectoral collaboration.

Speeches were also delivered by the representatives of the US Department of State, the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the conference organizing committee.

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