Using pen draw to improve lecture

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Using pen draw to improve lecture

On Wednesday the 19th of October 2022, the quality assurance department at the College of Pharmacy held a national workshop entitled "Using pen draw to improve lecture."

The presenter, Sameer Jasim Karam, assistant lecturer at Hawler Medical University, provided an application named (Draw-elebazar) that may be used for illustration purposes and includes the ability to draw arrows, circles, lines, or letters on the presentation screen. In addition, it includes an option to convert the computer screen to whiteboard.

 Workshop Outcome

At the end of workshop all the participants were familiar with the following points in research reference citation skill:

  1. Downloading and install the application via a provided link
  2. Using a pen or mouse cursor to draw shapes on the opened window and on the computer screen
  3. Using provided drawing colors
  4. Clearing drawn shapes
  5. Converting the application background to whiteboard or glass

 Speaker Information

Sameer Jasim Karam is an assistant lecturer at Hawler Medical University. His primary expertise is in computer programming.

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