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On Tuesday the 25th of October 2022, the Quality Assurance department of the College of Pharmacy held a national workshop entitled "Leadership."

During the workshop the presenter, Shokhan Osman Mahmud who is employed as an Assistant Lecturer at Hawler Medical University provided information on the importance of leaders and leadership skills in our life, especially during periods of peace and conflict. The presenter focused on the implementation of various leadership styles that are required to lead different fields such as Science, education, business, politics, industries, Agricultures, etc. and how we can empower, guide and encourage undergraduate students to be future leaders of our country.

 Workshop Outcome

At the end of workshop all the participants were familiar with the following points:

  1. History of Leadership
  2. Characteristics of the leader
  3. Leadership skills
  4. Good Leader vs. Bad leader
  5. Signs of Ineffective leadership
  6. Personal experience
  7. Leadership styles
  8. Differences between Leader & Boss
  9. Famous leaders around the world

 Speaker Information

Shokhan Osman Mahmud is assistant lecturer in Medical Microbiology at Hawler Medical University. Currently she is working as an innovative scientist in the field of cancer, wound healing, liver cirrhosis, and stomach ulcers. Currently she is working as a decision maker in Higher Education and the health & safety units of college of Pharmacy.

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