First international workshop 2021 Bioinformatics, Gene (DNA/RNA) analysis

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The deanship of college of pharmacy, Hawler medical university organize the first international workshop 2021 that will be attended by academic staff of Hawler medical university entitles:



Gene (DNA/RNA) analysis


Presented by:

Dr Ismaeil babaei

Associate Prof. in molecular genetics, molecular genomics group leader

University of Tabriz/ Iran


December 23rd, 2021

Venue:  Seminar hall /College of pharmacy, Hawler medical university


      Important Notes:

  • Due to the limited number of seats, online pre-registration is required to ensure the participation.

    Kindly register through the following link:     


  • The priority for participation is for the first 30 registration in the workshop

  • The participants should bring their laptops to ensure active participation

Workshop’s program

No. of Participants

30 participants




An introduction to NCBI; advance searching in different darabases: Pubmed, OMIM, Genecard, etc


Coffee Break

10:40- 12:00

Gene, Genebank, ucsc, sequence analysis


Coffee Break


sequence alignment (BLAST),

Primer design (online-based & software-based).


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