Workshop on the etiquette of clothing selection for formal occasions

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Workshop on the etiquette of clothing selection for formal occasions

On Wednesday the 12th of October the Quality Assurance department of the College of Pharmacy held a seminar entitled “Clothing Choice Etiquette - Official Occasions.”

Important information was provided on the importance of choosing clothes for official occasions and the importance of dress and grooming during official occasions as well as private meetings for university teachers of both sexes.

At the end of the workshop all participants were familiar with the following research reference translation skills:

  • How to choose formal clothes.
  • How to choose colors and how to coordinate between different colors.
  • Knowing the shape of your body and selecting clothing for both sexes.

 Speaker Information: Hemn Khalid Qadir, Ass. Lect. at Hawler Medical University. Currently He is teaching Chemistry for 1st grade pharmacy students and Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis for 5th grade student. Furthermore, he has more than eight published papers in the food and drug quality control fields.

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