workshop entitled "World Diabetes Day"

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At the College of Pharmacy, on Monday, November 14, 2022, the Quality Assurance of the College of Pharmacy held the national workshop entitled "World Diabetes Day"

The presenter, Dr. Badraldin Kareem Hamad, the head of the pharmacology and toxicology department of college of pharmacy of HMU, brought the global problems and prevalence of diabetes mellitus into a sharper focus on the provision of opportunities to raise awareness of diabetes as a global public health issue and what needs to be done, collectively and individually, for better prevention, diagnosis and management of the condition. As well as highlighting the challenges, he also outlined some solutions to ensuring that diabetes medicines and care are more widely available. He focused on issues ranging from championing the priorities of people living with diabetes in advocacy to the Global Diabetes Compact. This drives efforts globally to reduce the risk of diabetes and ensure access to treatment and care.

Workshop Outcome

At the end of workshop all the participants were familiar with the following

  1. The importance of diabetes as a public health challenge. 
  2. the resources available from WHO to strengthen health education related to diabetes.
  3. The relevance of health education for adequate control of diabetes. 
  4. Supremely, how to check for insulin resistance precisely and accurately
  5. Tips in respect of ADA 2022 release: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetics

An overview of the speaker

Having worked in community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, and molecular biology and pharmacology labs, he is a pharmacist with experience in the field. With a focus on molecular pharmacology and drug discovery, he earned his PhD in pharmacy from the University of Nottingham in 2016. He is currently a lecturer in pharmacology at HMU's College of Pharmacy. In 2021, he was appointed head of the pharmacology and toxicology department.

The official website of the college of pharmacy at Nottingham University ( contains an interesting and spectacular finding by Hamad et al, 2017 that demonstrates how his approach is highly relevant and establishes a new discipline of drug discovery. Moreover, his work can also be found in RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), which provides access and tools for exploring, visualizing and analyzing experimentally-determined 3D data to enable breakthroughs in science and education. His findings have led to new insights into novel targets and inhibitors in the treatment of thromboembolic disorders, for instance stroke. His current responsibilities include supervising master's and doctoral students at HMU.

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