The Care and Handling of Laboratory animals

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The Care and Handling of Laboratory animals

On Wednesday the 24th of October 2022, the Quality Assurance unit of the College of Pharmacy held a national training course entitled "The Care and Handling of Laboratory animals" which was held at the College of Pharmacy in Hawler Medical University. The course consisted of two parts: a seminar presentation and hands on practice at the Animal House Unit laboratory and breeding rooms.

The presenter was Dr. Zahra Abdulqader Amin an assistant professor at Hawler Medical University who provided scientific information about the importance of animal models in biomedical sciences, the relation of ethical approval and scientific practice. Furthermore, the speaker also discussed the rules and regulations of using the animal house unit at the College of Pharmacy.

 Training Course Outcome

At the end of course all the participants were familiar with the following points:

  1. Ethical responsibility when using animals.
  2. Guidelines and regulations used to ensure animals are humanely treated.
  3. Types of Laboratory animals.
  4. Surrounding environment.
  5. Investigator’s responsibilities.
  6. Animal House Unit Responsibilities.

 Speaker Information

Zahra Abdulqader Amin is an Assistant Professor at the department of Pharmacognosy at the College of Pharmacy in Hawler Medical University. She graduated from Microbiology at the College of Science in the University of Salahaddin in 1999 and she gained an MSc degree in Genetics at the College of Education in the same university in 2003. Her PhD degree was in Immunology obtained from the Molecular Medicine Department at the College of Medicine in the University of Malaya (2013). She is the Editorial Assistant of ZANCO journal for medical sciences and the person in charge for Animal House Unit at the College of Pharmacy.

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