Developing Road-Worthy Practices along the Journey

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Developing Road-Worthy Practices along the Journey 

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Developing Road-Worthy Practices along the Journey of Caring, Assertive, Responsible Communication was

 Communication skills are an important issue in health care. Health care providers have to improve their skills in this regards. So these workshops were helped to open mind the nursing teachers regarding this subject.

Type of activity: Workshop

Presenter: Ten faculties of College of Nursing and Medicine

Qualification: Msc and PhD in Nursing and Medicine

Affiliation: College of Nursing and Medicine/HMU

Audience: Teachers of College of Nursing

Venue: Seminar Hall of College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 40 teachers

Day: Saturday

Date: 11/5/2019

Time: 9:00 – 12:30 pm 

Workshop announcement


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