Bologna Process in Higher Education

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Bologna Process in Higher Education

A bologna process workshop highlighting the elements, aims and the outcomes of bologna process in higher Education system

Throughout that workshop, the teaching staff will be familiarized with his/her role as a facilitator, types of assessment, different methods of teaching, ECTS credits etc…

 Type of activity:  Workshop


Dr. Karwan M. Amen

Dr. Kazhan I . Mahmood


PhD in Community Health. University of Sheffield- UK

PhD in Maternal health. University of Sheffield – UK


Hawler Medical University

Audience: Teaching staff (Assist. Professors, lecturers, Assist. lecturers & Clinical Instructors) from Hawler Medical University, College of Nursing & College of Dentistry.


Venue: College of Nursing

Hawler Medical University- Kurdistan Region, Iraq

No. of Participants: 40

Day: Saturday

Date: 4th May2019

Time: 10:00 – 13:00

Workshop announcement


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