Exam Committee Database Application

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Exam Committee Database Application 

Summary description in the English Language:

The Presenter will train the exam committee members how to use the database and applied it in a useful way to success the course in a successful way.

Type of activity:  Workshop

Presenter: Mr. Khalid Mohammed Shekha

Qualification: M.Sc

Affiliation: Nursing College / Hawler Medical University  

Audience:  Examination members (teachers)

Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: All examination committee members

Day: 2 Days

Date: 3rd - 4th May 2021

Time: 3 hrs. 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM


                                                                          Workshop Agenda



Activity Topics



Monday 3/5/2021



Opening and welcoming Speech

Mr. Khaleed


Explain the objectives of the workshop

Mr. Khaleed





Explain the database and how to practice it.

Mr. Khaleed


Activity practice by participants.

Mr. Khaleed


Tuesday 4/5/2021



Review of first day activity

Mr. Khaleed


Giving activity for every stage

Mr. Khaleed





Checking the activity mistakes

Mr. Khaleed


Practicing and opening time for question by participants

Mr. Khaleed

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