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How to use excel program in Examination committee

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Summary description: In view of the importance of using electronic programs including excel programs for managing data including students’ results, and our teachers in the College of Nursing have humble abilities in that program. College administration coordination with examination committee has realized the importance of caring out the workshop about "How to use excel program in Examination committee". 

 Type of activity: workshop

 Presenter: Dr. Ibrahim Hasan Mustafa and Mr. Luqman Qader Abdulrahman Ruandzy

 Affiliation: College of Nursing/ Hawler Medical University 

 Audience: Teachers

 Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 25

Day: Thursday  

Date: November 25, 2021  

Time: 10:00


Agenda of workshop/ how to use excel program in Examination committee




10:00-10:15 am

Starting workshop

Dr. Ibrahim Hasan Mustafa

10:15-11:00 am

How to use Excel in Examination Committee

Mr. Luqman Qader Ruandzy

11:00-11:15 am

Break time


11:15-11:25 am

Important of data entering in Examination committee

Dr. Kaify Jamil Kader  

11:25-11:55 am

Applying Excel by participants

Mr. Luqman Qader Ruandzy

11:55 am-12:00 pm

Ending workshop




Dr. Ibrahim

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