Scientific paper writing and critical appraisal skill workshops

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Scientific paper writing and critical appraisal skill workshops

The International workshop about Scientific paper writing & critical appraisal skill workshops was

held in the College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University by the professors Dr. Mansur and Dr. Rostam from the Karmanshah University for the Editorial Members of the 3 Hawler Medical University journals (Zanko j., Erbil j. of Nursing and Midwifery, and Erbil Dental j.).


Type of activity: International workshop

Presenter: Professors Dr. Mansur and Dr. Rostam

Qualification: PhD in Nursing

Affiliation: Karmanshah University for Medical science

Audience: : Editorial Members of the 3 Hawler Medical University journals (Zanko j., Erbil j. of Nursing and Midwifery, and Erbil Dental j.)

Venue: Seminar Hall, College of Nursing, HMU

No. of Participants: 35-45

Day: Wednesday-Thursday

Date: 24-25/4/2019

Time: 8:30-4:30

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