Home visiting Program: Visit to Gulan1 and Hay-Shorta Quarter in Erbil

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Home visiting Program: Visit to Gulan1 and Hay-Shorta Quarter in Erbil

Summary Description:

Teachers and students  visited  Gulan1 and Hay Shorta Quarter locality  in Erbil ,  they have  done  health education about health promotion and disease prevention so they  have  applied  the philosophy of community health nursing that include (curative, preventive and rehabilitative ).they have  done  screening tests for population such as (sugar test, blood pressure checkup ,  Health education ,referral system ,talking therapy , visual equity and others)

Type of activity:  visiting homes and doing health services intervention.

Presenter: all students and teacher in community health nursing.

Qualification: PhD and MSc degree of teachers with 4 stage students in the college of nursing .

Affiliation: Hawler Medical University /College of Nursing.

Audience: All students and teachers in community nursing .

Venue: Gulan 1 and Hay Shorta Quarter in Erbil.

No. of Participants: 64 student with 7 teachers and members of family in Gulin  and Hyshorta.

Day:  three days in week continually in    November 2019.

Date: 3, 10, and 17 November.

Time: 08.30 to 14.30

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