Tutorial process

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Tutorial process

Tutorial process is a method used to deliver knowledge, which is more attractive and specific than learning from books and lectures

Lectures in which a huge number of students attend. This process is considered as a significant model of teaching in famous universities in the world. Tutorial provides students with a regular chance to develop their ideas, discuss their challenges and explore the aspects that are of their interest and get direct feedback from the tutor in terms of understanding the subject. Currently, it is applied as a part of learning process in order to improve classical teaching method and use the modern style of learning.

Type of activity: Workshop

Presenter: Dr. Idrees Bakr Qader

Qualification:  PhD in Analytical Chemistry

Affiliation:  Lecturer in College of Pharmacy at Hawler Medical University

Audience: Teachers

Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 22

Day: Thursday

Date:  17/11/2020

Time: 12 to 15

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