Moodle and E-Learning Workshop

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Moodle and E-Learning Workshop

An online workshop has been don by Dr. Dara Al-Banna about the 

E-Learning and how to use MOODLE as a learning platform for nursing and midwifery students step by step, then a short description about the official student's e-mails and how to utilize it during academic education. 

Presenter: Dr. Dara Al-Banna

Qualification: Ph.D. in Adult Nursing

Affiliation: College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University

Venue: Online via Zoom Application

Audience: Nursing and Midwifery Students of 1st stage

No. of Participants: 83

Date: 9th March 2021

Time: 09:00 PM

Duration: 2 hours

 Last modified on Monday, 15 March 2021 22:09

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