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Master's Thesis Defense of " Shagul Hasan Husen".

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Name of Student: Shagul Hasan Husen. Supervisor:  Assist. Prof. Dr. Ronak Nemat Allah Hussain. On Sunday 12/11/2022, Shagul Hasan Husen has defended her Master's Thesis successfully in College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University-Erbil. Shagul has studied the “Persistent Fatigue among Post with Covid-19 in Erbil City”. Furthermore, her thesis was accepted as a partial fulfillment for Master Degree in Nursing. It has been suggested to be awarded with Master Degree in her specialty.

The Master’s Thesis Examining Committee was:

  1. Assist.Prof. Dr. Vian Afan Naqshbandi, Chairman of the Committee
  2. Assist.Prof. Dr. Barzan Mohammed Ameen, Member
  3. Assist.Prof. Dr. Younis Khidir Bayiz, Member
  4. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ronak Nemat Allah Hussain, Member and Supervisor
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