1st Workshop on HMU Ranking/ Teaching Staff Criteria

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Role of Teachers in improvement of the HMU ranking in National University Ranking-NUR Workshop

Title: 1st Workshop on HMU Ranking/ Teaching Staff Criteria 12%

Role of Teachers in improvement of the HMU ranking in National University Ranking-NUR Workshop by Dara Al-Banna on Teaching Staff Criteria which present 12% of total 100% ranking and the teachers have a great impact to improve it, that contains of Student/Academic staff ratio, Student/Professor ratio, Student/Assistant Professor ratio, Achievement of national/international scientific prizes, medals and awards, Holding training courses, and Association Senior membership. At the end of the workshop the presenter was asked participant's recommendations to improve Academic Staff criteria.

Type: Workshop

Presenter: Dara Abdulla Al-Banna

 Qualification: MSc in Nursing (Ph.D. Student)

Affiliation: College of Nursing Hawler Medical University

 Audience: Teaching Staffs of Hawler Medical University, Post-graduate students at Directorate of Health-Erbil

 Venue: College of Nursing Hall No.1

No. of Participants: 38

 Day: Tuesday

 Date: 6/2/2018

 Time: 9:30-12:30

 Duration: 3 hrs.




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