Fluid Therapy in Children Workshop

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How to administrate fluid therapy for children workshop held by Nazar Ramadhan Othman in Rapareen 

Title: Fluid Therapy in Children Workshop

How to administrate fluid therapy for children workshop held by Nazar Ramadhan Othman in Rapareen Teaching Hospital for nurses in 25th of January 2018. The demonstration was done step by step by the presenter and the re-demonstration by the pediatric nurses to be more practical and applicable.

Type: Workshop

Presenter: Nazar Ramadhan Othman

Qualification: Ph.D. Student

Affiliation: College of Nursing Hawler Medical University

Audience: Nurses

Venue: Dr. Khorsheed Hall  at Rapereen Pediatric Teaching Hospital

No. of Participants:20

Day: Thursday

Date: 25/1/2018

Time: 11:30-1:30

Duration:   2 hrs.


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