3rd IT Workshop: How to Manage Teacher’s Moodle Account and Adding Features

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3rd Workshop about How to Manage Teacher’s Moodle Account and Adding Features I held by Mr. Dara Al-Banna

Title: How to Manage Teacher’s Moodle Account and Adding Features I

The It workshops will continue and the 3rd Workshop about How to Manage Teacher’s Moodle Account and Adding Features I held by Mr. Dara Al-Banna in 31st January 2018 that focused on how to starting with Moodle Learning Management System and the teacher's profile with adding new features and activities.

Type: Workshop

Presenter: Dara Abdulla Al-Banna

 Qualification: MSc in Nursing (Ph.D. Student)

Affiliation: College of Nursing Hawler Medical University

 Audience: Teaching Staffs of Hawler Medical University, Post-graduate students at Directorate of Health-Erbil

 Venue: College of Nursing Hall No.1

No. of Participants: 34

 Day: Wednesday

 Date: 7/2/2018

 Time: 9:30-12:30

 Duration: 3 hrs.


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