Toward International Accreditation for College of Nursing/ HMU

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Toward International Accreditation for College of Nursing/ HMU

Meeting and Workshops of the Association of Arab Universities in Balamand University-Lebanon were done with participation of the dean of the College of Nursing Dr. Yousif, Dr. Norhan, and Dara Al-Banna for

Title: Toward International Accreditation for College of Nursing/ HMU

Summary description:

Meeting and Workshops of the Association of Arab Universities in Balamand University-Lebanon were done with participation of the dean of the College of Nursing Dr. Yousif, Dr. Norhan, and Dara Al-Banna for the first step of cooperation and preparation of getting the international accreditation for College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University

Type of activity: Meeting and Workshops

Presenter: Reviewers of the Association of Arab Universities

Affiliation: Association of Arab Universities

Audience: Deans of the College of Nursing of the Arab Country Universities

Venue: Balamand University-Lebanon

No. of Participants: 25

Date: 25th – 27th September 2018

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