1st Symposium of the College of Nursing/ Hawler Medical University

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A 1st Symposium of the College of Nursing/ Hawler Medical University

about the Toward Effective Clinical Teaching in Nursing Education was held on 22-23 November 2018 at Erbil International Hotel/ Conferences Hall at 09:00. Clinical teaching is a series of deliberate actions on the part of the teacher to guide students in their learning. It involves a sharing and mutual experience on the part of both teacher and student and is carried out in an environment of support and trust.


Purposes of the symposium

  1. To show the importance of effective clinical teaching in nursing education.
  2. To diagnose the main weak points in clinical teaching.
  3. To share ideas with experts to find out the best models for clinical teaching.


Thursday: 22 November 2018 from 09:00 am to 03:30 pm

Friday: 23 November 2018 from 09:00 am to 11:15 am

 Number f Participants: 90


Erbil International Hotel (Sheraton Hotel)/ Erbil, Iraq Kurdistan Region  Site Map


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