A committee of the College of Nursing/HMU vistied Sulaimanya

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A committee of the College of Nursing/HMU visited Sulaimanya

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A special committee of the College of Nursing, formed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/KRG, visited

the University of CIHAN-Sulaymaniyah and the KOMAR University of Science and Technology in Sulaymaniyah to evaluate the preparations for (The Proposal of opening of the College of Nursing” in both universities.

The committee consisted of:

Assist. Prof. Dr. Yousif Mohammed Younus, Dean of the College of Nursing/ HMU as a head of the committee.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Vian Afan Naqshbandi, Dr. Shukur Salim and Dr. Awaz Aziz as members.

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