Premarriage Awareness Inventory

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Premarriage Awareness Inventory

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The Premarriage Awareness was done for newly married couples in Mamun Dabbagh Health Center in 

about pre-marriage counselling including sexually transmitted disease, type of contraceptive, how coping your-self psychologically and socially with the new family, if you want to pregnant, types of hymen, tetanus, anti-d injection  

Type of activity: Community service activity  

Presenter: Teacher with fourth stage midwifery students

Qualification: Assistant lecturer

Affiliation: College of Nursing /Midwifery department

Audience: Couple who entered to Mamun Dabbagh

Venue: Mamun Dabbagh

No. of Participants: more than 60 couples

Day: Saturday to Wednesday     

Date: 16, 19, 20, 27/3-2019

Time: 8:30-12:30 am