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Participation in the International Nursing Workshop of College of Nursing and Nursing & Midwifery Development Centre (NMDC) “The Process of Change in a Healthcare Environment and Nursing Workforce in Kurdistan Region” .

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On 24th of May, 2023, The Faculty Staff of College of Nursing- Hawler Medical University/Erbil-Iraq, in the presence of Assist. Prof. Dr. Vian Afan Naqshbandi, Dean of College of Nursing, have attended and participated in the International Nursing Workshop entitled “The Process of Change in a Healthcare Environment and Nursing Workforce in Kurdistan Region” held in College of Nursing-Erbil by Nursing & Midwifery Development Centre (NMDC) by the presenters namely; Dr. Carolyn Melby, Ms. Michele Calderon- NMDC Board member/ NMDC and Ms. Eva Said, Director of NMDC.

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