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Master's Thesis Defense of "Srusht Dhahier Ismael”.

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Name of Student: Srusht Dhahier Ismael. Supervisor: Assistant Professor Dr. Yousif Mohammed Younis. On Tuesday dated 28/03/2023, Srusht Dhahier Ismael has defended her Master's Thesis successfully in College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University-Erbil. Srusht has studied the “PATIENT'S SATISFACTION WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE CONCERNING HEALTH CARE SERVICES AT TEACHING HOSPITALS IN ERBIL CITY". In addition to that, her thesis was accepted as a partial fulfillment for Master Degree in Nursing. It has been suggested to be awarded with Master Degree in her specialty.

The Master’s Thesis Examining Committee was:

Assist. Prof. Dr. Omer Qadir Surchi, Chairman of the Committee

Assist. Prof. Dr. Younis Khther Baiz, Member

Assist. Prof. Ronak Hassan Muhammad Barwari, Member

Assist. Prof. Dr Yousif Mohammed Younis,  Member & Supervisor

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