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College Of Nursing Welcome the First Year Students.

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On Sunday 30/10/2022, Assist. Prof. Dr. Vian Afan Othman Naqshbandi, Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Nazar Ramadhan Othman, Head of the Nursing Department, Assist. Lecturer Mr. Adnan Rasheed Aziz, Department's Rapporteur of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Tiran Jamil Pero, Head of Midwifery Department, Assist. Lecturer Mrs. Sahar Ismail Abdulla, Department's Rapporteur of Midwifery, Assist Lecturer Mrs. Fattma Zrar Mohammed, Basic Health Science & Head of Media Unit, in cooperation and collaboration with the Students' Union, welcomed the first year students. Clarification and information have been provided regarding the education/teaching process, lecturers' timetable, attendance, disciplines and ethics inside the college. They wished a successful and fruitful academic year for all students.



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